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Showing posts from November, 2017

Slave trade and human trafficking in Libya; the hypocrisy of Nigerians

photo from google Over the past few days the hash-tag Libya, saynotohumantracficking has been trending on social media. If you are not a social media enthusiast, Libya has been in the news for slave trading and human trafficking, specifically of migrants. The CNN report has been successful in drawing attention to migration problems and the issue of slave trade which has been presented not just as a problem in Africa but as a global problem. But I roll my eyes every time I see a new post by a Nigerian politician or Nigerian celebrity. I remember two weeks prior to the big reveal by CNN, a certified blogger ‘DANG’ had already mentioned it in one of her posts and nobody, no Nigerian ‘celebrity’ reacted or reposted this very sensitive issue. If she had posted about a social wedding or concerts, you would have seen reposts on different pages, but slave trading was none of our business. Slave trade/ human trafficking have been around for a long time and a lot of our Afri

Masters Degree: to enroll or not enroll?

photo from Wrike Sets of NYSC members are rounding up every other stipulated month. A lot of them start to think about their future, they start to think about making significant changes in their lives. The option of getting married, starting new jobs and trying to better their career prospect comes to mind, for instance, the idea of putting up for a Masters Degree programme.  Masters Degree for most country, like Nigeria, is like the new Bachelors degree. As the need to have more than a first degree is back on the rise , you might be wondering if that is the next and right step for you; to pursue more education and gather an additional certification from a tertiary institution.  From the perspective of a Nigerian, there are plenteous reasons to want to earn a postgraduate degree certification, since having HND or a Bachelors Degree can be equated to the value of pure water sachet in the society; it is relevant but the value is low. But getting a Master’s degree i